No one wants to get older; however, aging is a fact of life. By increasing your body’s intake of these powerful herbs and spices you can reduce your exposure to common sicknesses while warding off disease. Continue reading to find the Top 5 anti aging herbs and spices.
Recognized for being exceptionally flavorful and the spice that gives Indian food its yellow-orange color, turmeric can also aid in anti-aging. As a member of the ginger family, turmeric is easily spotted with its dark brown outer layer and sweet potato orange insides. As a spice, turmeric can be found in any grocery store and will be easily recognizable because of its bright yellow colored powder. Recently, turmeric has been linked to helping prevent the body from developing common diseases including cancer. Additionally, turmeric is an anti-inflammatory that can help people with chronic pain, contribute to a healthy brain, lead to liver detoxification and more.
Despite being tiny in stature, cloves pack a powerful punch both in the flavor department and in anti-aging. In addition to being an Ayurvedic medicine, clovers are an antiseptic, anti-fungal and an antibacterial spice. Furthermore, cloves are full of powerful antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and healthy vitamins. Cloves have been proven to help in controlling the body’s blood sugar levels. Amongst its many benefits cloves can be used to alleviate pain from toothaches, treat respiratory infections, as an antibacterial for cuts/bruises, improve digestion and reduce the pain from sore muscles or arthritic joints.
Slightly spicy, but refreshingly aromatic ginger is a popular spice for Asian dishes and vegetarian meals. Ginger’s most important benefit is that it is an anti-inflammatory spice that aids in keeping the arteries from becoming clogged. Consequently, ginger is a great spice for anyone suffering from high-cholesterol levels. Additionally, ginger has an effective history as a spice that helps maintain the proper and healthy functioning of the digestive tract. Individuals suffering from stomach distressed are urged to increase their intake of ginger to soothe the stomach lining and reduce inflammation in the gastrointestinal system.
Similar in looks to its close cousin oregano, marjoram is a slightly sweeter taste that has many health benefits. Marjoram can be purchased either as a fresh herb or a dry spice that can be added to any recipe or tea. For individuals suffering from lack of sleep, taking marjoram oil can help ensure a long night of restful sleep. Additionally, marjoram can be added as an oil to a hot bath and helps to lower the body’s stress level. Marjoram has been used for centuries by people suffering from asthma, allergies and head colds because it loosens phlegm in the throat and helps to reduce pressure on the respiratory system.
Best known for fighting inflammation, sage has been used to treat people with asthma, arthritis, bronchitis and more. With its sweet and savory flavor profile, sage is an excellent addition to any meal. Sage helps to reduce inflammation in the body and can aid in better brain function because it is a powerful memory enhancer. A recent medical study showed that individuals who consumed sage on a daily basis for a period of several months were determined to have better cognitive brain functions than those that did not.
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