Some essential oils are naturally perfect for treating skin conditions. Here are some of the Best Essential Oils for Skin Conditions.

Because the natural oils which are extracted from certain plants work on 2 levels (topical and internal), they guard and repair your skin from a host of problems. They also treat the negative emotions that sometimes attach themselves to sufferers of unsightly skin conditions. Lavender for one is calming, and helps reduce stress and elicit the relaxation response. Tea tree oil for skin helps the moisture balance and gets rid of dead skin cells.
What Essential Oils Lead to Healthy Skin?
A wide variety of essential oils are good for your entire body and your skin as well. However, sometimes you want to treat or combat a very specific skin condition. In that case, employ the following essential oils, which have proven effective for treating these skin problems.
Dry, Dehydrated Skin
Lavender is an absolute must-have for your essential oil and aromatherapy kit. It helps hydrate dry skin and is especially effective in the winter months and cold weather climates in keeping your skin moist and healthy. Geranium is another essential oil, which is excellent for treating dry skin.
Eczema and Dermatitis
If you have itchy, red splotches or areas of skin, you may have dermatitis or eczema. Those terms are widely used to refer to a host of skin conditions, which are itchy, red, and sometimes painful. This condition can be treated effectively with diet alone, and when Thyme and Helichrysum essential oils are also used, this embarrassing condition can disappear quickly. Tea Tree and Patchouli oils are also helpful and they smell really good.
Facial Skin Problems
Your facial skin is more delicate and tender than the skin on most other parts of your body. That’s why you must treat it differently. Try using Sandalwood and Myrrh oils as a topical application for treating skin conditions on your face, as they are not as strong as some other essential oils.
Rashes and Itching
Lavender shows up once again as one of the most versatile essential oils. It effectively treats rashes, even when those rashes are accompanied by itching. Tea Tree oil is also excellent for treating rashes, and Peppermint oil is an effective anti-itching oil as well.
Tea Tree oil and Roman Chamomile essential oils quickly soothe sunburned skin. They can also be used to treat other types of burns. Unsurprisingly, Lavender is effective here as well.
Wrinkled Skin
Frankincense, Geranium, and Fennel essential oils have proven to lessen the appearance of wrinkles. Myrrh and Sandalwood are also good choices here, as is the multi-use Lavender.
Essential oils need to be diluted before topical use as they can burn the skin. Use a carrier oil with a formula of 1 drop of essential oil for each 1 ml of carrier oil, such as olive oil, jojoba, grapeseed and others. Do a quick test on a small patch of your skin to check for any adverse reaction. Certain essential oils should not be used by pregnant women, infants, or young children, so do your research.
Sesame Oil has been used for centuries as a bacteria-fighting medicine, and is great for wind and sunburns.
Jojoba Oil is a super hydrating oil that rejuvenates and hydrates the skin and is ideal for all natural skin and health care and one of the best carrier oils for essential oils.
Olive Oil is rich in antioxidants, olive oil is usually is typically the base oil for DIY lotions and creams. A good source of vitamins A and E, it is effective as an anti-aging option and works good for dry skin and eczema.
Grape Seed Oil is an ideal carrier oil for acne prone skin. It is a natural astringent contains linoleic acids, which have anti-inflammatory and healing properties. It helps to control oil and oily skin that clogs pores and causes breakouts.

I love Rocky Mountain Oils because of their quality 100% pure essential oils that require no minimum purchase and always gives FREE shipping! Plus they always have specials going on!
Rocky Mountain Oils’ essential oils are verified by a third-party, independent lab. GC/MS tests verify purity and quality of the oils sold so you can look at the bottom of the bottle to find your individual batch code and then input that number into our website to pull up the GC/MS test results.
Rocky Mountain Products can be returned for any reason, even if opened, for up to 90 days. RMO also pays for our customers’ return shipping expenses to make our ordering process completely risk-free.
RMO includes three different icons for recommended use on each bottle for easy reference: Diffuse, Topical Application and Household. So you can look at the bottle and know in what way it’s intended for use.

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