Blog Hosting and Themes
Easy to use automatic WordPress installation and excellent customer service for hosting services.
The Thesis Theme for WordPress
The BEST user-friendly WordPress site design – you will never need another theme again! This site is built using Thesis and it is the most multi-functional theme I have ever used. Support for this theme is incredible as well!
Detox Your Mac
Clean Your Mac In Just A Few Clicks!
Best place to buy and sell websites. Easy to use, reputable and safe. I have used this site before and loved it.
Dreamstime Stock Photos
I love this website for royalty-free stock photos. They are high-quality and most blog-size photos run about $1 each.
Dreamstime Free Photos
Dreamstime also has a really great selection of free photos.
Flickr Creative Commons Free Photos
Photo Pin : Free Photos for Bloggers via Creative Commons
MyFonts: Webfonts & Desktop Fonts
MyFonts is my favorite place to download great new fonts and the often have sales and specials!
Font Squirrel
Font Squirrel scours the internet in search of FREE, highest-quality, designer-friendly, commercial-use fonts.
Archive of freely downloadable fonts.
Be Funky
Online photo editor. I’ve never used this one but it looks cool and they have an app for download!
Pic Monkey
Free online photo editor – best photo editor I’ve used, there are so many choices and cool ideas! Collage, Touch Up, Teeth Whiten, Fonts, Effects, Filters, Frames, Stickers & more.
Resources for the Business of Blogging
Green Moms Media
Connecting green businesses with green bloggers.
Green Maven
The green search engine
Green America
Economic Action for a Just Planet (Also the home of Green Pages)
EWG (Environmental Working Group)
Protects kids from toxic chemicals in our food, water, air and the products we use every day.
Startup Princess
Blogging and SEO Articles
3 Tips to Market Your Blog on Facebook
Are you eager to market your blog on Facebook? The social network helps you gain the trust of your target market quickly if you share your blog in an effective manner. This means no spamming, or pushing your links on people.
How to Effectively Design a Lead Generating Blog – Blogging Tips to Maximize Your Efforts
Are you starving to generate more leads through your blogging efforts? Are you stymied at how to draw in more targeted prospects on a persistent basis? Are you looking for blogging tips to maximize the time and effort you put into your site?
Pinterest and the Holidays: 4 Ways the Social Network Can Boost Sales
Social media can have a big impact on your company’s holiday marketing. This is the busiest time of year for both businesses and consumers, and consumers will be more willing to share their thoughts and experiences with their friends and followers through social media during this time.
Tablet Optimized Websites: A Must for Retailers in 2013
2013 brings opportunities for online retailers to gain access to a new market of clientele: tablet computer owners. If retailers haven’t optimized their websites for this market segment, now is the time to do so.
25 Must-Read Blogging and SEO Articles
These are posts that I have been bookmarking over the last year as I have been building my blog. They are all really great resources to have on hand for tips, ideas and review.
Making Money Online: Follow The Experts
There are a lot of people online that “walk the walk”, but are really trying to make a living by telling other people how to make money. The following fields are popular online business models. In each model, two or three people who lead by example are highlighted, along with what sets them apart from the rest.
Getting Started With Images In HTML For SEO
Images are an important part of website content, yet many websites neglect the benefit that they can have on SEO. There is a lot that can be done with images to improve site performance, as well as SEO. It is important that images benefit a website, rather than hinder it.
Free Marketing Tools: Learning How to Use Social Media Effectively
Whether your marketing budget is tight and you need to find less expensive avenues to get your business in front of potential customers or you are just simply interested in taking advantage of this powerful tool for growing your business, you need to learn to do it right.
Email Newsletter Distribution
Mail Chimp
I really like Mail Chimp and find it very easy to use. Lots of tutorials and a boot camp and simple interface. Free for under 2,500 subscribers but has some limitations for people who use affiliate links.
Mad Mimi
I’ve never used Mad Mimi but looking into switching over. A bit more complicated than other mail service programs but with fewer limitations. Free for under 2,500 subscribers.
Constant Contact
Blogger Opportunities
Mom Blog Society
Paid blogger opportunities.
Lots of great review opportunities here!
Burst Media
Glam Media
Sponsored Tweets
Social Spark
Business 2 Blogger
Commission Junction
Escalate Network
SITs Girls
Clever Girls Network
Mom Central Consulting