Choose Your Own Method of Journaling

Have you felt nervous to start a journal because you don’t know quite how to do it? I know I have. I don’t want to get into it and then realize my entire focus or idea was “wrong”. You don’t have to feel forced to keep a certain type of journal – there are so many different ways to use one. Here are just some of the many methods of journaling you can use.

Choose Your Own Method of Journaling - there are so many different ways to use one!

Choose Your Own Method of Journaling

Here are some ideas of journals you can create. When I was younger, I created a travel journal. I included my thoughts while traveling, sketches while I was out and about, and postcards and keepsakes from places I visited. Plus I pasted in envelopes that held the cards or letters that were mailed to me while I was traveling.

General Journal

The first method of journaling is the most traditional form, which is where you simply write down your thoughts as often as needed. You might write in the journal a couple days a week when you have the time or a reason to do so, or you may journal once a day at the end of the day, similar to keeping a diary.

This method is the most flexible since it is really up to you how you want to do it. With a general method of journaling, the frequency, what to include, and type of journal organization you use is entirely up to you.

Bullet Journal

This is a newer form of journaling, but one that is getting popular very fast. A bullet journal provides a way to keep track of everything in your daily life, including finances, goals and bucket lists, family life, work, mental and physical health, and tons more.

With bullet journaling, you are using primarily symbols and short words or phrases to discuss different things instead of full pages of writing like with a general or standard form of journaling. It also has an index and page numbers since there are so many different sections in the journal.

Dream Journal

There are journals about a specific topic, such as your dreams. If you are someone with confusing, elaborate, or vivid dreams, this is the perfect journal to keep.

You can have a dream section in a bullet journal, or dedicate one small journal to nothing but recording your dreams. It helps to write them down immediately upon waking, as you will forget them rather quickly.

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Gratitude Journal

A gratitude journal is one where you aren’t just talking about all your thoughts or what you do day to day, but actually only talks about the good things. It is meant to help you practice mindfulness and live a happier life through gratitude.

You look at the positive parts of your day, no matter how big or small they are, and put those in your journal. By doing this, you are able to focus more on the things in your life and dwell less on the bad things. Over time, you can start to heal and live a more optimistic life.

Whichever way you do it, journaling is helpful and can help ease stress.

Choose Your Own Method of Journaling

Start Where You Are: A Journal of Self Exploration

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  1. I’ve found it difficult to journal but you have given me some ideas. At the moment I’m writing a sentence a day which is almost like journalling. Thanks for sharing with us at #overthemoon link party.

  2. I have a hard time journaling. I’m more of a visual, creative person, so I like to take pictures to keep track of memories of my kids. Sometimes I write short notes about things they have done, too– a sentence here and there is better than nothing!

  3. I’ve journaled most my life. I enjoy flipping through some of them from my childhood and find it so interesting and laugh at my young self. I find myself in the gratitude side of it right now because that’s what I need. Can I say bullet journaling scares me! Haha. Visiting from SITS.

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