During the cold, winter months, one of the biggest problems is dealing with the frigid, dry air. There are a variety of hair masks you can make right at home that help to replenish the moisture. Start with these 4 Homemade Hair Mask Recipes to replace moisture lost in your hair and scalp this winter.
Even if you don’t live where it gets cold in the wintertime, it’s still a good idea to treat your hair and scalp every once in a while to a homemade hair mask moisturizer to keep it healthy and strong.
Avocado, Honey, Coconut Oil, and Mayo
This first hair mask is really easy to make and uses all ingredients you probably already have in your home. This not only helps with the dry hair problem you typically experience during the winter season, but also with frizzy hair. If you have a lot of frizz from wavy or curly hair, or just from the hair dryer, adding in that oil takes this mask to the next level. You can use your own amounts, depending on what consistency you are going for. Combine these ingredients and put on your clean, damp hair and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with cool or lukewarm water.
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Egg Yolks and Oil
I can remember my mother telling me about this homemade hair mask when I was a kid. She did this in the 60’s to her hair, but it still is a real source of moisture for hair. You don’t want to use the entire egg – just the yolks. This is where all the fat is, which is what you want for softer, more manageable hair. Combine the yolks with any type of healthy oil, like coconut oil, olive oil, or jojoba oil. Use this mask just like all other hair masks.
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Honey and Oil
Another 2-ingredient hair mask you can make is this one that is perfect for dry hair. Honey really is a miracle ingredient when it comes to repairing your hair, strengthening the strands, and reducing breakage. This might be after you get your hair dyed, or just from the harsh cold and dry air during the winter. You can use any oil you want on your hair, as long as it is moisturizing. Coconut oil and jojoba oil are great for this one.
Homemade Face Mask with Essential Oils
Honey, Banana, Lavender, and Oil
This one is my favorite homemade hair mask though a little weird because of the banana. It’s a little different because it uses essential oils with simple kitchen ingredients, including a oil, honey, and some mashed banana. It’s almost like you are making pancakes until you add the lavender oil! You will then add in a little lavender, which replenishes your hair and can also add a better scent to the hair mask. Dilute the lavender essential oil with a carrier oil before adding it to the mix and mixing.
Have you tried any of these homemade hair mask recipes before? Which one do you want to try?
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