Although wasps are often seen as a nuisance, they provide numerous benefits for both humans and the ecosystem. Wasps are important pollinators that help with agricultural production, and act as a natural enemy to pest insects. Additionally, wasps serve as an important food source for other animals and can even control nuisance species like flies or caterpillars. Ultimately, the role of wasps in our environmental balance should not be discounted; their presence should be respected in order to benefit from their services. This is how you can answer the question, “How are Wasps Beneficial?“
Making your outdoor gathering wasp-free is a breeze with the help of Natural Wasp Repellent. Plants such as lemongrass and lavender have been known to ward off wasps, making them an ideal option for keeping your weekend barbecue luxurious and comfortable. The best part about using natural repellent methods is that you can feel safe in knowing that your family and friends won’t be exposed to harsh chemicals!

Wasps are a fascinating and misunderstood part of nature and are often thought of as pests. But if you actually take the time to observe them, you’ll quickly see that they’re not just pests—they’re actually quite beneficial.
We’re going to take a closer look at some ways wasps are helpful in your garden and around your home.
How Do Wasps Benefit the Environment?
Wasps are often considered pests but play an important role in the ecosystem. Here we take a look at some of the ways in which wasps benefit our environment:
Pollination & Pollinators
There are over 20,000 species of wasps in the world, all pollinators. Pollination is the process by which pollen is transferred to the female reproductive organs of plants, thereby enabling the fertilisation of plants and reproduction. In this way, wasps help plants to grow and reproduce and thus contribute to biodiversity.
Insect Control & Pest Management
Wasps are also known as beneficial insects because they are an important part of pest control and insect management programs in the agriculture and horticulture industries. They feed on other insects, such as caterpillars, aphids, flies and beetles, that can damage crops and plants and transmit diseases when consumed by humans. They also feed on other types of prey, including spiders, moths and frogs, so these harmful pests do not negatively impact our crops or food supply chain.
Some species of wasps are scavengers and feed on dead animals. This helps speed up decomposition and recycle nutrients into the soil.
What Would Happen If Wasps Went Extinct?
If wasps went extinct, we’d lose a lot of pollinators and food sources.
It’s a scary thought — what would happen if wasps went extinct? As it turns out, the answer is pretty terrifying.
Wasp populations are already in decline worldwide, and scientists are scrambling to figure out why. If they disappear completely, experts say the consequences could be dire for ecosystems worldwide.
While they may not get as much love as butterflies or hummingbirds, wasps play an important role in nature by pollinating plants and controlling pests that eat crops. Without them, some experts warn that we could face a food crisis that could lead to famine on a global scale.
“The system is really delicate,” says entomologist Robbin Thorp from UC Davis’ Department of Entomology and Nematology, who has studied wasps for more than 40 years. “If you knock out one part of it, it can have repercussions elsewhere.”

What Eats Wasps?
You might have heard that birds eat wasps. That’s true, but there are plenty of other things that eat wasps. They include:
- Frogs – Frogs eat almost anything that moves, including flies, ants, beetles, worms and even frogs!
- Birds – Birds will eat a variety of insects, including bees, butterflies and dragonflies. They also prey on small mammals such as mice and rats, which can be found near nests or hives where they find many insects for food.
- Dragonflies – Dragonflies have a very quick reaction time, so they can snatch up a wasp before it has a chance to fight back. The dragonfly has razor-sharp jaws with teeth that will easily cut through the exoskeleton of the wasp or other insects. The dragonfly also has large eyes that allow it to see its prey from far away so it can swoop in before any other predators spot their next meal.
More Posts about Wasps
- Amazing Essential Oil Wasp Repellent Recipe
- 15 Best Wasp Repellent Plants
- You Can Use Peppermint Oil for Wasp Control
- Effective Home Remedies for Wasp Stings
What Scents Can You Use To Repel Wasps Without Killing Them?
You’ve got a wasp problem. You want to get rid of them without harming them. But you don’t want to use the kind of spray that will kill the wasps and their larvae, either. What do you do?

Well, there are many natural ways to repel wasps without killing them!
- Cinnamon is a great deterrent for many pests, including ants and roaches. Sprinkle cinnamon around your home, and it will keep them away.
- Lemon juice can be used on the skin or mixed with water in a spray bottle to naturally repel mosquitoes, ticks, fleas and other insects!
- Mint oil is another great insect repellent that can be applied directly to the skin or mixed with water in a spray bottle to keep those pesky bugs away!
- Lavender oil has been shown in studies to help deter some insects from coming near your home or garden plants by using this simple trick: create a mixture of equal parts water and lavender oil (about 1 cup each), then add one drop per litre of water (1 quart). Add this mixture to your water hose when watering your garden and plants so they can breathe easier without being bothered by pesky bugs!
Wasps are a very beneficial part of our ecosystem.
They help keep pests and other insects under control, they help pollinate flowers, and they even make honey! I hope this article has convinced you that wasps are not as bad as they seem but are an important part of our environment.
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