How to Dilute Tea Tree Oil for Dogs

Have you been thinking about tea tree oil uses for your dog for natural health but don’t know how to use it safely? Here is How to Dilute Tea Tree Oil for Dogs to safe way.

How to dilute tea tree oil for dogs safely

There’s nothing worse than putting flea and tick products on your dog and having them come inside STILL covered in bugs. The other day my husband was lying in bed and found a tick crawling on his hand. They are nasty!

Tea tree oil is so help for skin irritations on dogs as well as other issues. But we need to make sure to use it safely. NEVER use tea tree oil on a dog at full strength!

It’s not safe to use tea tree oil on your dog straight out of the bottle.

I know there is some information out there saying that tea tree oil is toxic for pets – cats and dogs alike. I would never use tea tree oil on my cat but after doing a LOT of research, I can say that I use tea tree oil on my dogs. Basically, as long as you dilute the tea tree oil and use a concentration of LESS than 1.0% tea tree oil, it is safe. That kind of dilution would be 6 drops in 30ml or 1 ounce of carrier oil. So you can use 3-6 drops of tea tree oil for dilution rates of 0.5 and 1.0%.

Tea tree oil contains toxins called terpenes which gives the oil its antiseptic, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties. Fleas will steer clear of these types of toxins, making it a good flea-repellant.

Every type of flea treatment for pets contains chemicals and every type of flea treatment involves some risk.

tick in dog fur

How to Dilute Tea Tree Oil Safely

Always dilute Tea Tree oil with a carrier oil like jojoba oil, aloe vera gel, olive oil, etc. Start with a low dilution of 3 drops of tea tree oil (0.5%) in 30 ml of carrier oil and do a patch test to see if there is any skin irritation.

I NEVER spray the oil around my dog’s face. I spray it on her harness and then put it on and spray around her neck. Dogs lick everything especially after something’s been applied to their skin, so as long as the oil is diluted AND it’s not sprayed in very lickable areas or mucus membranes, then your dog will be good.

You should still observe your dog carefully to see if s/he shows any allergic or adverse reaction. If so, use a cool wet cloth and some mild soap (e.g. castile soap) to wipe the area, then rinse it with clean water.

For a 1.0% dilution rate, use 6 drops tea tree oil with 1 ounce carrier oil.

tea tree oil benefits

Why use tea tree oil on my dog?

When used properly, tea tree oil is actually very beneficial for your dog. I like to use tea tree oil for fleas and ticks but here is a list of all the benefits from using tea tree oil:

  • Repels fleas and ticks
  • Anti-inflammatory for the skin.
  • Relieves itchiness and irritation.
  • Effective antibacterial.
  • Anti-viral and anti-fungal.
  • Repels fleas and other external parasites.
  • Helps treatment of sarcoptic mange.

essential oils for dogs

How to Tell if your pet has been poisoned by essential oils?

Here are some signs of poisoning in dogs by essential oils:

  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • drooling
  • depression
  • lethargy
  • weakness
  • wobbliness
  • tremors
  • abnormal behavior

There is a direct link between the severity of poisoning and the dog’s weight and age. The smaller and younger a dog is, the sicker they are likely to get.

What about store-bought tea tree oil products?

When diluted correctly, tea tree oil can be safe for dogs. If the tea tree oil is in a pet product like a shampoo, it’s usually intended to treat minor skin irritations, hot spots, or bug bites and stings.

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