If you have ever had a urinary tract infection (UTI), then you know how painful they are. Sometimes they are difficult to get rid of and traditional medicine doesn’t work very well. Try these Indian Home Remedies for UTI treatment the next time you are suffering.
Urinary tract infection is an infection of any part of your urinary system. Infections of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra are included under the term UTI. This is the second most common type of infection in the body. Women are more prone to this type of infection.
In modern medicine the treatment of this infection is antibiotics but it can be treated with natural herbal remedies of Ayurveda.
In classical texts of Ayurveda , UTI is described as Mutrakrichra. The painful voiding of urine is known as Mutrakrichra. According to Ayurveda, the reason behind any disease is an imbalanced state of Tri-Doshas (Three basic energies of body). Other reasons for mutrakrichra are consumption of dry food, excessive exercise, suppression of natural urges, etc.
Modern medicine suggests UTI is most commonly caused by E.coli bacteria. The symptoms may include painful micturition, burning sensation and pain in the pelvic region, lethargy, fever and blood in urine.
What are the home remedies for urine infection?
Many herbal remedies are present to treat UTI. It is a safer way to opt as taking antibiotics repeatedly may cause resistance. The preventive aspect of recurrence can be followed by drinking plenty of fluids, consumption of Vitamin C rich foods, cranberry juice, taking probiotics, etc.
Ayurveda has a group of Mutravirechaniya (Promoting secretion of urine) and Ashmarighna (Antiurolithiatic) drugs which are used to treat UTI. Some of the herbs include,
Gokshrura (Tribulus terrestris)
It is beneficial in the management of pain and burning sensation due to phytochemicals present in this herb. This also reduces inflammation and increases urine formation. Diuretic properties are present in this herb due to nitrates and potassium salts.
Gokshura can be taken in powder form or tablet form. The dose is 1/4th to ½ teaspoon twice a day with milk or if you want to go for a more palatable way tablets are the way to do so.
Punarnava (Boerhaavia Diffusa)
Its anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties are well-known. This herb is a rich source of flavones and alkaloids. This reduces bacterial counts, inflammation and the diuretic effects prevent the chances of recurrence.
Punarnava can be taken as a form of fresh juice. This juice can be prepared by using fresh leaves on the plant. The dose for juice is 1-2 tea-spoons. Powder and tablets of the leaves and roots are also available as an alternative form if the fresh leaves are not accessible.
Varuna (Crataeva nurvala)
Varuna is known for its antiurolithiatic and diuretic properties. This is also a powerful laxative and blood purifier. Phytochemicals like lupeol and betulin prevent stone formation in kidney. This herb is particularly helpful if you have recurrent episodes of UTI related to kidney stones. It is nephroprotective, antipyretic and anti-microbial. It is also helpful in patients of UTI due to benign prostatic hyperplasia.
In the case of UTI with kidney stones, powder of Varuna should be taken with honey twice a day. The dose of the powder is ½ to 1 teaspoon.
The decoction named Varunadi kashaya (kwath) is also significantly beneficial in UTI. This contains other herbs like shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Bilva (Indial bael), agnimantha (Clerodendrum phlomidis), shigru (drum stick tree), etc along with varuna.
Some other Ayurvedic formulations like varunadi vati (tablets), gokshuradi kwath , chandanasava and chandraprabha vati are also used in the treatment of UTI.
Ayurvedic remedies which you can use daily:
- Soak 1/4 cup Barley in 3 cups of water overnight and boil it in the morning. Let it cool. Add lemon juice as per your liking. This drink can be taken at any time of the day. Avoid taking it after 6 PM as it is a strong diuretic.
- Jaggery mixed with warm milk can be taken in morning.
- One glass of buttermilk that is not sour or refrigerated can be taken with a pinch of black pepper 2-3 times a day
- You can simply take 1 glass of lukewarm water; add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in the morning. Make sure you don’t boil the water after adding the honey or don’t add honey in very hot water before consumption.
Make sure you drink enough fluids in a day, avoid direct sun exposure, take vitamin-rich fruits in your diet and avoid smoking and caffeine.