As we grow old, Constipation becomes a part of our life. We know that if we are ignoring constipation. It will become a cause of other health issues. Thanks to Indian Medicine for Constipation (adults). Now, we can treat our constipation more practically. Indian Home Remedies are helpful and natural.
Constipation can occur for various reasons.
• If you ignore your body signals that you need to go to the toilet (mostly adults ignore the signals)
• Lifestyle (Lack of movement) happened with drivers and officeholders more often.
• Some medicines (like some used for iron deficiency, painkillers)
• Choice of food (eating habits, hard to digest food)
• Stool remains in the colon (are you in a hurry to complete a task or to meet relatives?)
• Stress (Are you stressed? Keep yourself relax and calm)
• Change in routine (build a balance in your daily routine. Take your time)
• Hormonal changes (especially in women and during pregnancy)
• Alcohol consumption
• Smoking
• Dehydration
• Overeating, etc.
Mostly stress, diet and ignoring the need to pass stool are the main reasons for constipation in adults. What is your reason for being constipated?
How does constipation feel?
Do you have fewer bowel movements in a week? If yes then you can feel hard to pass stool, dryness and blockage in the rectum with pain or heaviness in the abdomen, bloating and nausea. Constipation makes you restless, less motivate and disturbed.
Which Ayurvedic medicine is best for constipation?
Ayurvedic medicines are far better than allopathic medicine. You can become habitual to allopathic medicine and you already know that most allopathic medicines have an adverse effect like constipation, etc.
So, sometimes these medicines become problematic and worsen the situation for a constipated patient.
While Ayurvedic medicine is always the best choice for constipation. Ayurveda focuses on and discusses your lifestyle. It recommends you to use natural and herbal products as medication. Nature is full of miracles and these miracles always help humans to cure their diseases. Here we discuss some best Ayurvedic medicine for providing you a solution for your constipation:
Laxinol H Capsule:
The Laxinol H capsule is a natural medicine. It is a combination of five ayurvedic ingredients that improves the digestive system. It perfectly works for chronic and irregular constipation.
Laxinol H capsules are also useful for gas, bloating, heartburn and flatulence.
Allen A06 Constipation Drops:
An Allen A06 drop is a mild natural laxative. It is available everywhere in the world. 2 to 4 drops for kids and 8 to 12 drops for adults three times in a day are enough.
Allen A06 drops not only cure constipation but also cure bloating, acidity, gas, nausea, piles, pain in the anus and stool dryness. So, you see this product is quite better than many allopathic medicines.
Qarshi Hab Tankar:
It is another natural product from the house of Qarshi. It is quite effective against chronic constipation, stomach ache, abdominalgia, indigestion and anorexia. It can be used as an appetizer and a stomach tonic for relief. This medicine is available in the form of tonic and tablets. Two tablets at bedtime with Lukewarm water will cure your constipation without any side effects.
Sukha virechana vati:
Sukha virechana vati is an ayurvedic herbal laxative in the form of tablets. One tablet at bedtime with water for adults will help you to cure constipation but an overdose can cause diarrhea. Seniors, pregnant women and kids below 10 years should avoid it. You cannot take it with allopathic medication.
What is the treatment of constipation in Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is based on natural products. It discusses the lifestyle. It forced a lifestyle change. Before using any medicine try to improve your lifestyle and habits. Here we also mention a few ayurvedic home remedies for your ease.
Improve your diet. Add fruits, veggies and legumes to your diet. Apple, barriers, raisins, rhubarb, peas, beans and bananas are high in fiber and help in constipation. Eat green leafy vegetables. Drink more water. Do not stay dehydrated.
Avoid beverage, alcohol, and smoking:
Artificially flavored drinks will never help you with constipation and health. Alcohol and smoking are also poisonous to your body. If you want to improve your health then first quit these unhealthy products.
Psyllium Husk:
In Ayurveda home remedies and natural remedies for constipation, nothing is better than Psyllium Husk. Add Psyllium Husk in warm water or milk and drink it, especially at the time of night. You will definitely feel relief and continuous usage of Psyllium Husk will cure your constipation permanently.
Relax and meditation:
Are you living a stressful life? In this case, you must try this remedy. If your constipation is caused by stress, remember you do not need any medication. Just relax and meditate, focus on your body, start focusing on feet, legs, hips, abdomen, upper body and in the end focus on your head. Sit in lukewarm water, you will feel better and relaxation will also cure your constipation.
Fennel seeds:
Chew roasted fennel seed daily will treat your constipation for a long time. You can also take it with raisins and milk. Fennel seeds are quite effective for constipation. It helps to relax your stomach and intestine muscles.
We know the benefits of yogurt. Its usage during constipation soothes the muscles. It is helpful for dry stool and blockage. Do not forget to add yogurt to your diet.
These days our living style is the main and common cause of constipation. We do not have time for ourselves, hard office routines make it worse. A human stays healthy when he stays active. We assured you that our discussed ayurvedic medicine and remedies will help you to treat your constipation without any problem. Discussed ayurvedic medicines are the best natural laxatives for you. Most of them do not have any side effects but it is better if you will take them according to the doctor’s recommendation.