Best Magnesium for Migraines

Do you suffer from extremely painful migraines? Would you like to try something different to help prevent your headaches? Here you will find the Best Magnesium for Migraines to help you with migraine frequencies. Find out more Health Benefits of Magnesium.

What is the Best Magnesium for Migraines

Let’s Find out the Best Magnesium for Migraines

Anybody who suffers from Migraines is familiar with how completely debilitating they can be. They lock you in a prison of pain and are one of the most agonizing forms of severe headache. The pain can last anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days, depending on the severity.

What are Migraine Symptoms? 

Migraines usually begin with a prodrome phase — a group of symptoms that occur before the headache. The prodrome phase can last from two hours to two days and is often considered a warning sign that an attack is coming.

The most common prodrome symptoms include:

Pain on one side of the head that usually lasts about 4 hours but can last for up to 72 hours (often accompanied by nausea and vomiting)

  • Sensitivity to light and sound (photophobia and phonophobia)
  • Feeling sick or nauseous (vomiting is rare in children)
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue and irritability
  • Blurry vision or loss of vision in one eye (also called an “aura”)

Magnesium Supplement for Migraines

Magnesium is a mineral that is naturally found in many foods and can also be taken as a supplement.Magnesium is essential for many functions, including building strong bones, regulating blood sugar levels, maintaining nerve function, and preventing heart disease.

A study published in 2013 found an association between low magnesium levels and migraine headaches. A group of people suffering from migraines was given magnesium supplements daily for 12 weeks. They reported fewer headaches per month compared to those who took the placebo (a “dummy” pill).

There are many reasons people might not get enough magnesium in their diets. Some diseases can prevent your body from absorbing this mineral. These include Crohn’s disease, type 2 diabetes, celiac disease and chronic diarrhea. Other causes include excessive alcohol intake, certain medications and older age.

Is Magnesium Good for Migraine Headaches? 

If you experience frequent migraine headaches, your doctor may recommend magnesium. Studies show that migraine sufferers have lower magnesium levels in the blood and brain than people who do not experience migraines.

Magnesium supplements are often used to treat migraines. Oral magnesium supplements can effectively prevent and treat migraines, although it is unclear which form of magnesium is most helpful.

10 different types of magnesium

What Magnesium is Best for Migraines?

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays an important role in many of the body’s functions, including muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, and energy production.

Magnesium deficiency is common and can cause symptoms such as muscle cramps, chronic constipation, anxiety, insomnia, and migraine headaches.

Magnesium Glycinate is a highly absorbable form of magnesium that works well for those who can’t take other forms of magnesium.

It is the best form of magnesium for migraine sufferers because it’s easily absorbed by the body and doesn’t cause loose stools like other magnesium types.

Magnesium has been shown to reduce migraines and headaches, but not all forms are equally effective. Magnesium glycinate is one of the best types because the body easily absorbs it.

Magnesium glycinate is a better choice than other forms such as magnesium oxide or citrate because it requires less energy from your digestive system to get into your bloodstream. This means that you won’t have to suffer through diarrhea or constipation when taking this supplement as it has less of a laxative effect.

There are several forms of magnesium that you can use to treat your migraines. Some are more effective than others, so knowing which form is best for your migraines and headaches is essential.

Magnesium relaxes the neurological system and muscles, making it an efficient migraine cure. Magnesium oxide is the other most commonly utilized type of magnesium in pill form to prevent migraine, usually at a dose of 400-600 mg of magnesium per day.

How Much Magnesium Should I Take for Migraine Prevention? 

Magnesium supplements are often consumed with food. The magnesium RDA ranges from 310 to 420 mg per day, depending on age and gender. If you’re taking a magnesium supplement for migraines, though, you can take up to 600 mg each day.

The American Migraine Foundation advises on taking a daily dose of 400mg of magnesium oxide for migraine prevention.

The amount of magnesium you need depends on your age, sex and health status. You can get this information from your doctor or dietitian. If you’re taking other medications or supplements that contain magnesium, you might need less than if you were taking just a multivitamin with magnesium as its only supplement ingredient.

In general, most people should take about 400 milligrams (mg) daily — pregnant women and breastfeeding women can take up to 800 mg per day. Some studies suggest that taking more than 600 milligrams per day of magnesium may significantly reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.

Can Too Much Magnesium Cause Headaches? 

While getting too much magnesium from food is rare, some people can take too many magnesium supplements. High doses of magnesium supplements can cause diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and nausea. Magnesium overdose can also lead to an irregular heartbeat, very low blood pressure, confusion, and slowed breathing.

What are Some Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency?

The symptoms of magnesium deficiency are usually subtle unless your levels become severely low. They can include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue and muscle weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias)
  • Personality changes
  • Muscle cramps or spasms, especially in your feet, calves and thighs
  • Numbness and tingling

{ Read More: 11 Warning Signs of Magnesium Deficiency }

What are the Best Brands of Magnesium?

Best Magnesium Supplement Overall: Jigsaw Health Magnesium w/SRT

Jigsaw Health’s Magnesium is a daily, natural solution to help your body maintain magnesium levels within the normal range. It contains 100% pure, pharmaceutical-grade magnesium citrate, which is the form of magnesium that is most easily absorbed by the body. Magnesium is an essential nutrient that supports over 300 biochemical reactions in the body and has been implicated in heart health, muscle functioning, etc.

Best Organic Powder: Natural Calm Anti Stress Drink, Original Flavor

Natural Calm is the original, best-selling magnesium supplement available. This 100% all-natural, completely non-GMO, made in USA formula helps calm and relax your body by naturally replenishing your magnesium levels. The result? Less stress, more relaxation.

Best for Women’s Health and Mood Support: Slow-Mag with Calcium and Magnesium (60 Tablets)

Slow-Mag with Calcium and Magnesium is a high absorption magnesium supplement that combines essential minerals in a patented formula to help support healthy bones, enzyme function and heart health.

If you suffer from chronic, painful migraine headaches and are looking for a solution, magnesium may be the key. Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays several roles in your body. It regulates blood pressure, helps you sleep, and keeps your muscles, heart, and digestive system running smoothly. But magnesium also has analgesic properties that can be used for headache pain relief. Believe it or not, it may even help prevent some types of strokes!

Magnesium has so many health benefits for those who have migraines. It not only reduces the frequency and intensity of migraines but also helps reduce the level of pain associated with migraines. If you suffer from migraines, I highly recommend considering taking magnesium to see if it will alleviate some or all of these symptoms.

It is also advised by headache specialists to combine magnesium treatment with other forms of dietary supplements. Personally, I don’t like to only rely on my prescription drugs to relieve my migraines, I prefer to keep my migraine frequency low. For magnesium supplementation I add coenzyme q10, vitamin b2 (riboflavin), vitamin d and vitamin b12.

I also use essential oils on a regular basis to relax me and boost brain function and sometimes find adding them to epsom salts in the bath is the best way to relieve the inflammation of the migraine and increase the circulation and get the blood vessels flowing again. Of course, I am not a healthcare provider, I am just explaining what I have learned along the way.


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