Self-Care for Autumn Anxiety

If you are struggling with seasonal anxiety this fall, self-care might be just what you need. Here are a few ideas of self care for autumn anxiety.

Try some of these ideas on self care for autumn anxiety in the fall when things feel too much.

Self-care has been a hot topic for many years now, as more people learn how to put themselves first and take care of their own health and wellbeing. This is a great idea for everyone, but self-care is not always about bubble baths and massages. There are many forms of self-care for autumn anxiety, including daily changes to your routine, to helping improve a specific burden in your life.

Read more about Autumn Anxiety? here.

Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. Although it’s a simple concept in theory, it’s something we very often overlook. Good self-care is key to improved mood and reduced anxiety. It’s also key to a good relationship with oneself and others.

winding road in autumn leaves

Go Somewhere You Find Relaxing

Think of all the times when you felt your best, most relaxed, and fulfilled self. Were you at the beach, where you could listen to the waves crashing? Maybe you were hiking a local mountain trail to see the sights.

Some people find working on their garden relaxing and soothing to their mind and body. Make a list of the places or activities that help you relax, and try to incorporate them more into your self-care routine.

Enjoy a Quiet Night in

While in the fall season, it is good to get as much sunlight as you can, there are going to be days when your best form of self-care is being cozy in your home. Not only does this help you stay comfortable and cozy in your home, but it can be combined with unplugging.

When you enjoy a quiet night in for self-care purposes, try not to have too many distractions. Try a night of unplugging, where the TV and computer stays off, and you don’t use your phone. Read a book, play a game with your family, or sit on your back patio and enjoy the sounds of a quiet evening.

Focus on Getting More Sleep

Sleep is an essential part of being a healthy and functioning human being, and lack of sleep can make your anxiety much worse. Sleep is a self-care activity everyone should be focusing on. It helps you to be more energized when you wake up, can help with your mental health, reduce stress, and so many more amazing things for you.

Try to go to bed earlier, keep your phone turned off to reduce that distraction, and make sure your bedroom is set up for a good nights’ sleep.

walking in woods

Find Exercises You Love

We aren’t talking about burning as many calories as you can for an hour, or working on heavy weight lifting. Exercise for self-care should help release endorphins to boost your mood and relieve your anxiety, but also be something you enjoy doing.

If it feels like punishment, it is NOT self-care. Think about activities that help you feel happy and energized, like yoga, swimming, hiking, walking at the lake or beach, playing with your kids, or walking your dogs.

Try Therapy

One last thing to remember is that self-care is about doing something good for you. It is putting yourself first, and that includes taking care of your mental health. If your anxiety is not wavering, and is lowering your quality of life, don’t keep suffering! Seek help from a therapist or counselor; this is one of the best forms of self-care there is.

More information on self care

What is Self Care?

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What is Autumn Anxiety?

What is autumn anxiety and what changes can you make

50 Love Yourself Quotes on Self Care

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Autumn Anxiety

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