Spring Cleaning Series For Your Health

I Just Shredded. Apples, not with Jillian. Though I have been working on getting back to exercising. It’s been hard to get back into the routine after having a baby. I am hoping the warmer weather will give me the kick in the behind I need to get out there and feel more like myself. But I digress.

So I just shredded an apple for all three kids as a snack after a busy morning. The 5 year old went to the dentist today and had some cavities, which we knew, but weren’t sure if they would have to be pulled. She’s had some pretty crazy tooth decay to deal with but thank goodness they didn’t have to pull any teeth this time. My first-born is a true drama queen and in these situations she is the complete opposite of my easy-going toddler. As soon as the dentist pulled off the “raincoat” covering her teeth, she started screaming.

She screamed all the way out of the building. Into the parking lot. In the car, until miraculously she fell asleep.

When we got home, she started screaming again, as if I had just hit pause while we were in the car. She screamed and screamed. And screamed some more. I asked her to take some tylenol but she refused. And so she screamed. I asked her to go lie down and relax but she refused. And so she screamed. Ugh.

She finally calmed down awhile after I put her in her room. I felt awful doing it, but there was nothing I could do to console her and the other kids were getting upset, not to mention it giving me a headache! I was happy when she asked what she could eat but then didn’t like the choices. I decided to try shredding the apple to see how she could eat it, since my MIL does that sometimes when her teeth hurt.

I gave a bit to the 10 month old to see how she handled it and she loved it! She’s a funny gal – she went from baby food to grown up food overnight. She eats everything we eat, within reason (no raisins, honey, peanut butter, etc.).

This post is a good segue into my Spring Cleaning Series – for your health. I’ve been getting into a good eating routine and trying to keep the junk at bay. I am done with feeling tired and sluggish and the right diet and exercise will do wonders for those ailments. I think there’s just something about winter that makes people crave comfort food. It’s a depressing season for most, unless you really enjoy winter sports and activities. I’ve also been doing a lot of research on the foods we eat, the ingredients and how they affect our bodies, and which foods help keep us healthy and diminish body fat.

Make sure to check back for more on the Spring Cleaning Series {For Your Health}!

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