Did you know that you can use essential oils for health and wellness and they will clean your home and skin better than chemicals because they are all-natural and derived from plants? Try this Homemade Disinfectant Spray Recipe and make your home free of germs and dirt. Homemade Disinfectant Spray Recipe Using Essential Oils Do you believe you can get rid of some or most of those chemical-laden products for…
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How to Remove Cat Urine Smell Naturally
I’ve talked a lot about my essential oils, but wow, they are really incredible! I’ve found they are my go-to when cleaning the house, especially when I am trying to figure out how to remove cat urine smell from my carpets and clothing. This summer has been a difficult one for us pet-wise. We have struggled with trying to remove cat urine smell all around the house, something we’ve never…
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Marie Kondo’s Five Daily Tasks
Marie Kondo is a world-famous tidying expert, and her tips for tidying your home have changed the lives of millions of people. For those who have already worked through the Konmari method, or are looking for a few daily tips from this expert are in for a treat!
Easy Ways to Clean Your House Naturally
Everyone wants to have a clean home, but if you are looking to live a more holistic life, it might be time to switch to natural cleaners. Your commercial cleaning products are often filled with chemicals and additives that don’t help clean your home any better and contain unnecessary ingredients. Here are some easy and natural ways to clean your home. How do I clean my house naturally? Before you…
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Homemade DIY Cleaning Recipes
Looking for natural cleaning recipes with essential oils all in one place? Want to learn how to replace your toxic cleaners with essential oils? Toxins are everywhere and when you use cleaners with toxins and chemicals you are not only exposing yourself to these horrible things but you are releasing them into the air where your family and pets can breathe them in. The Environmental Protection Agency ranks indoor air…
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How To Declutter and Organize Hotspots
Every home has its clutter hotspots – areas that always attract stuff. Here are some of the most common clutter-prone areas and how to declutter and organize them to declutter your life.
Do You Have a Clutter Problem?
Do you have a clutter problem? Are you a cluttered person or know someone who is? Do you constantly have piles of things and papers and don’t know how to contain it? I never learned how to be neat. I just can’t ever seem to find time to go through things and they pile up, literally. Do you need to learn how to declutter your life?
Easy Home Decluttering Tips
Do you find it difficult to keep your home tidy and organized? Here are some easy home decluttering tips to use to get your house in order and start decluttering your life. It can be so discouraging to get your home organized and then watch helplessly as the clutter makes its way back in. How does that happen? It’s basically a mindset – to get organized is one thing, but…
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Tips to Declutter Your Desk
Do you have a hard time getting your work done because you are distracted by the mess? Here are some tips to declutter your desk and take back your time. When was the last time you saw the top of your desk? Is it hard to focus when there is so much stuff all around? I have a hard time focusing when I have a mess around me – it…
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How to Bug Proof Your Home
Do you worry about how to keep bugs out of your home? Not all natural pest control is about using essential oils to keep them away. Read on to find out how to bug proof your home.