Every home has its clutter hotspots – areas that always attract stuff. Here are some of the most common clutter-prone areas and how to declutter and organize them to declutter your life.
How Does Clutter Affect Your Brain?
When you see clutter upon entering your home does it make you cringe inside? Does it make your heart rate go just a little bit faster just thinking about the work that needs to be done? How does clutter affect your brain and mental health? Read on to find out how it does and steps to take to reverse this.
Quick Ways to Organize Kitchen Cabinets
Every home should have a well-stocked food cabinet. However, unless it’s well-organized, it can be pretty tough to find what you need. Here are 5 Quick Ways to Organize Kitchen Cabinets while decluttering your life.
15 Things to Stop Buying
Clutter is never fun to deal with. However, as humans, we seem to build up clutter with no problem. Something you can remember is what NOT to buy when it comes down to clutter. If you’re sick and tired of things cluttering up your home, here are 15 things to stop buying to start decluttering your life.
How to Organize Kitchen Counters
I just uncovered my kitchen counters after a few long weeks of illness and it feels so good! Are you wondering what your kitchen counters look like? I need to do some decluttering to get my sanity back. No matter how much counter space you have, it is easily cluttered and can take some planning to organize kitchen counters.
How to Organize Your Kitchen Utensils
Do you struggle to keep your kitchen utensils organized? If so, you’re definitely not alone! There are so many different types of utensils you can gather over the years. Some you use on a daily basis, while others are designed for very specific purposes which you may only need once a year. If you organize your kitchen utensils in the steps detailed below, you will be on your way to…
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Home Organization Ideas for the Kitchen
The kitchen is usually the go-to place in every home, therefore making it the hardest to keep clutter-free. You can make your kitchen a more enjoyable and relaxing room to be in, with these home organization ideas to help declutter your life.
6 Rules to Declutter Your Life
When it comes to getting organized, one of the key elements must be decluttering. However, the very idea of getting rid of their possessions strikes fear into the hearts of many. As with any other process, it often helps to have some rules in place. Consider these 6 rules to declutter your life to help you take steps toward decluttering and living a calmer life without clutter.