What is Ramadan? The month of Ramadan is a beautiful month, ending with 3-day long festivities, spending time with family and friends and being thankful for all that we have together. What Is Ramadan? Do you know about the month of Ramadan? I remember when I met my husband, he mentioned he observes Ramadan, and I thought, “Ramma-what?” I had no idea what it was or why he would observe…
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Ramadan and Eid Activities for Kids
My kids are all under 10 years old so they don’t really understand what Ramadan is yet. These Ramadan and Eid Activities for Kids are so helpful to explain to them the timeframe of Ramadan and then their excitement builds as Eid approaches.
Heartwarming Kids Holiday Books
My littlest and I went to the library yesterday to gather kids holiday books to read like squirrels and their acorns. At least that’s how I felt. During the holidays it’s important to sit down with kids and read to them so they can understand why we celebrate. The root of all of these holidays is a celebration of life, our family and friends, and extending kindness to others. Here…
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When Grief Gets Complicated
Grieving is always complicated, never easy and tidy. But sometimes there are factors that can make your grief more complicated. In my case, complicated grief is a result of the extended length of time of loss and grieving and the relationships of those losses.
My Parents are Gone. Now What?
My parents are dead. They are gone. Both of them. How in the world is it possible to lose both parents in the space of 10 months? I just don’t get it. Where Do I Go From Here? People say God has a plan, but I am really confused right now. How could God have a plan that includes both my parents perishing at such a young age. They didn’t…
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Outdoor Family Activities
After being in the house all winter, spring is a welcome season for anyone, especially parents. Here are 3 fun family activities to get your kids out of the house. As a parent you love your kids, but when the sun starts to shine and temperature heats up you can’t wait to open the door and let them run. It doesn’t matter how many kids you have, spring time is…
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