Every home has its clutter hotspots – areas that always attract stuff. Here are some of the most common clutter-prone areas and how to declutter and organize them to declutter your life.
How to Boost Energy by Decluttering
Do you feel tired and discouraged when you see clutter in your home? Often looking at a mess can cause feelings of despair. By learning these tips for decluttering your life and home you can boost energy levels during the day and sleep better at night.
Simple Tips to Keep Clutter Free
There are so many resources that offer help to those struggling with clutter. If you follow these simple habits to keeping your life clutter free, you may find you also let go of the clutter in your home.
Get Organized with Homemade Cleaning
Ok, so I decided that today is the day to begin my resolution of getting organized. I felt motivated – maybe it was the cold weather or the fact that the Christmas rush is over, but I started the de-cluttering process and feel really good! I started with the living area, putting away toys and organizing the kids art stuff, vacuumed and cleaned surfaces. The most motivating and inspiring thing…
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