Wasps are very common everywhere in the world and they are attracted to food and drinks and smells that are all around in the summertime. Find out the best natural wasp repellent and natural pest control today and keep those flying insects away!
Wasps are actually extremely beneficial to humans as they prey upon almost every insect species on earth either for food or as a host for its parasitic larvae.
Wasps are so good at controlling pest populations that the agriculture industry now regularly deploys them to protect crops. Regardless, we all want to know wasp repellent strategies to keep them from stinging US!
What are Wasps?
Do you know that wasps and hornets are different from bees? Bumble bees – the big, fat, hairy bees – are actually pretty docile and will not go after you. They just want to pollinate and bee happy (sorry, couldn’t help myself). But wasps and hornets, on the other hand, are mean. Just mean!
You can tell a wasp by their pointed lower abdomens and the narrow waist. They come in every color imaginable, from the familiar yellow to brown, metallic blue, and bright red. Generally, the brighter colored species are in the Vespidae, or stinging wasp, family.
[Paper wasps] collect caterpillars, beetle larvae, and other insect prey to feed their young. Don’t be too quick to get rid of a paper wasp colony if it isn’t causing a problem.
All wasps build nests. Whereas bees secrete a waxy substance to construct their nests, wasps create their familiar papery abodes from wood fibers scraped with their hard mandibles and chewed into a pulp.
According to National Geographic, wasps are divided into two primary subgroups: social and solitary wasps. Social wasps account for only about a thousand species and include formidable colony-builders, like yellow jackets and hornets. Social wasp colonies are started from scratch each spring by a queen who was fertilized the previous year and survived the winter by hibernating in a warm place. When she emerges, she builds a small nest and rears a starter brood of worker females.
These workers then take over expanding the nest, building multiple six-sided cells into which the queen continually lays eggs. By late summer, a colony can have more than 5,000 individuals, all of whom, including the founding queen, die off at winter. Only newly fertilized queens survive the cold to restart the process in spring.
Why Do Wasps Sting?
Wasps sting to defend themselves. If a female wasp feels her home is under attack or threatened she will protect the wasp nest and sting. Wasps also simply get annoyed. The constant waving of arms and newspapers while trying to get rid of a wasp can make it very annoyed and feel threatened.
How Do We Keep Wasps Away?
Always remember that wasps love foraging meats, sugary liquids, and other food products. If you want to minimize the number of wasps invading your home, your best option is to reduce their access to a source of food and water.
Cover serving dishes, clean up food scraps or dirty plates and keep trash bins covered. Also, do not leave moist pet foods exposed or faucets or drains dripping because these are good food sources for wasps that attract the worker wasps to come into your house.
Solitary wasps in the home can be a nuisance; daily sightings of wasps in the home may indicate inside nest building, and more attention to the problem is required. Searching for and sealing off their point of entry is the best line of defense. Check your house for unsealed vents, torn screens, cracks around windows and door frames, and open dampers. Observe the flight path of a wasp, especially in the morning, which may reveal the entry/exit point.
Workers feed on sweet substances such as secretions from sucking insects, fermenting fruit and people’s food and drinks. They feed their grubs in the nest with other insects and spiders which they catch and kill, or with bits of meat from carrion or pet food bowls. The nest population may be several thousand CommonWasps (Vespula vulgaris) by the end of the summer months. A colony produces and releases newly mated queens in autumn then dies out in winter.
In spring and early summer, wasps are attracted to protein foods. Any food left outdoors, such as pet food, picnic scraps, open garbage containers, or uncovered compost piles should be removed or covered. Wasps imprint food sources and will continue to search an area for some time after the food has been removed.
In late summer and early fall, wasps turn their attention to sweet foods. Their behavior is also more aggressive. Open cans of pop, fruit juice, fallen apples beneath fruit trees, and other sweet food sources will attract wasps. Be sure to cover drinks and open food containers, keep a lid on the compost, and avoid walking barefoot near fruit trees. Remove any fallen fruit rotting on the ground.
Can’t We Just Spray the Wasps?
It’s usually best NOT to kill the wasps but send them off in a different direction from your home. They are beneficial to get rid of other crop-killing insects so farmers actually prefer not to kill the wasps. That’s why natural wasp repellent is crucial like using plants that repel wasps.
It’s usually best NOT to kill the wasps but send them off in a different direction from your home. They are beneficial to get rid of other crop-killing insects so farmers actually prefer not to kill the wasps. That’s why natural wasp repellent is crucial like using plants that repel wasps.
According to the journal of pest management science, an essential oil blend of any of these oils specifically repel wasps and hornets:
- clove
- pennyroyal
- lemongrass
- ylang ylang
- spearmint
- wintergreen
- sage
- rosemary
- lavender
- geranium
- patchouli
- citronella
- roman chamomile
- thyme
- fennel seed
- anise
- peppermint
Natural Wasp Repellent Resources
Certain plants are more likely to attract wasps than others, usually because they house some sort of food source. Here are the best Plants that Attract Wasps.
Are wasps good for the garden? Here’s a question you may not have thought of before!
This Essential Oil Wasp Repellent Candle made with essential oils like cedarwood, citronella, lavender, thyme, rosemary, eucalyptus and geranium will help keep wasps, mosquitos and other bugs away from your family while you are enjoying the outdoors at a campsite, on the deck or swimming in the pool!
Essential Oil Wasp Repellent for Your Diffuser
You probably don’t want wasps and bugs flying around this warm season when you are trying to have the windows open and relaxing outside! Here is an amazing Essential Oil Wasp Repellent for Your Diffuser that you have to try.
How to Get Rid of Wasps and Hornets Without Chemicals
Make sure you know how to get rid of wasps BEFORE they bother you! Find out about other natural pest control and keep the bugs away without chemicals!
The Best Wasp Repellent Plants
Here are the best plants that repel wasps to include in your landscaping that are gorgeous and also keep those nasty wasps away without toxic chemicals. With kids and pets, this may be your best line of defense in natural repellents.
Do Wasps Hate Peppermint Oil?
How do you keep wasps away without resorting to using chemicals? I’ve talked a lot about natural pest control and the many uses for peppermint oil so that brings up the question “Do Wasps Hate Peppermint Oil?” because it seems to keep them away.
Why Use Peppermint Oil for Wasp Control
We all know that you can buy wasp spray in your local store and be done with wasps within minutes. So why use peppermint oil for wasp control? Read on to find out more about the many Uses for Peppermint Oil!
How to Prevent Wasp Nests Around Your Home
Do you know the first step in natural pest control is to prevent wasp nests around your home and yard? If you can actually prevent the wasps from building the nests in the first place before you actually have a wasp problem to deal with.
Yellow jackets and hornets are the most common types of wasps and they don’t like the smell of any type of mint. Here’s How To Use Peppermint Oil For Wasps.
Does Tea Tree Oil Repel Wasps?
More often than not, we find ourselves struggling to ward off wasps either from our picnics or alfresco meals. But who wants to be laden with chemical sprays?
Do you feel like each year there are more wasps and they get scarier each year? Knowing what is the Best Wasp Repellent is crucial for keeping them away.
Try these Essential Oils to Repel Wasps for safe and effective ways to repel wasps without using harmful chemicals.
Are you interested in knowing about different types of wasps? On average, there are more than 30,000 species of wasp, but here we talk about 6 different Types of Wasps.
Are you tired of tiny wood-eating beasts? Learn How to Keep Wasps Away from Wood Deck with different ways to stop wasps and hornets from ruining your garden furniture.
Wasps can become angry quickly, resulting in a painful sting. Here is everything you need to know about Home Remedies for Wasps.
Wasps may become highly defensive if their nest is troubled. Wasps could be in the middle of the air and release the warning pheromone from the casual swat. Sometimes it takes a DIY Wasp Trap to get rid of wasps if there are many of them and/or they are aggressive.
How to Get Rid of Wasp Nest
Do you know how to get rid of wasp nest? It is advisable to learn how to do it properly so you don’t end up with multiple painful wasp stings! Find out more about natural pest control to keep the bugs under control around your home.
Home Remedies for Wasp Stings
The venom contained in a bee or wasp sting induces a local toxic reaction at the site of attack. In some people, components of the venom can cause an allergic reaction. These home remedies for wasp stings are for people that are not allergic to wasps or hornets.
Amazing Homemade Wasp Repellent Recipe
Wasps are creepy and the thought of them flying around with a chance of stinging makes me shudder. They are mean creatures and it doesn’t take much to set them off. This homemade wasp repellent was proven to work in a Pest Management Science study through the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
Herbs and Plants for Bee and Wasp Repellent
Do you struggle with stinging insects around your home? Instead of trying to kill these beneficial insects, why not try to just deter them by using plants for bee and wasp repellent?
How Does Lavender Repel Wasps?
Lavender is arguably the most popular essential oil and it actually works great as an insect repellent!
Do Tiki Torches Repel Wasps?
Wasps are a nuisance during the warm weather and can keep people from enjoying being outside. Tiki torches may repel wasps and other bugs naturally.
Research shows that the clove geranium lemongrass blend of essential oils effectively repels wasps. This is one of the best natural wasp repellent tips so that you don’t have to use toxic chemicals.
Are you sick of increased wasps in your house? We never like wasps in our home, but we find it sometimes challenging to get rid of them. There’s no question they dislike peppermint but do wasps like basil? Having an herb garden near your kitchen can be effective wasp repellent when you want to spend time outside.
The Ultimate Guide to Wasp Sting Treatment at Home
Wasp stings can be a real pain, both physically and emotionally. It’s not pleasant to know that an insect with a stinger has done damage to your skin. However, treating a wasp sting can be done from the comfort of your own home. The Ultimate Guide to Wasp Sting Treatment at Home has got you covered. From simple remedies like applying ice and baking soda paste to more unique solutions like using lavender oil and toothpaste, this guide provides a variety of options to help soothe the sting. Not only will you feel better physically, but you’ll also feel empowered knowing that you have the ability to treat a wasp sting on your own. So don’t let those pesky wasps get you down – tackle those stings head on with this ultimate guide.
More Posts about Wasps
- How are Wasps Beneficial?
- Do Wasps Hibernate in Houses?
- How to Keep Wasps Out of Bird Houses
- How to Attract Birds that Eat Wasps
- Do Wasps Follow You?
- How to Get a Wasp Stinger Out
- Homemade Wasp Repellent Spray
Buy the Summer Pest Control Bundle Now!
The Summer Home Remedies for Pest Control Bundle includes:
- Four EASY natural insect repellent recipes: wasp, tick, mosquito and spider
- Two insect bite treatment guides
- Two label formats for all the recipes (round and rectangle)
If your pest problem persists, then you might be dealing with a severe pest infestation. Consult with a professional before the infestation gets any worse, which can also affect your family’s health.
Got other bugs? Try this Natural Pest Control for Your Home today!