Prune Balls for Constipation

These prune balls for constipation are delicious and effective for relieving discomfort.

They are soft and chewy snacks made from dried and mashed prunes, which are high in fiber and other nutrients that promote bowel movement and alleviate constipation.


– Prunes – Walnuts – Chocolate Baking Powder – Chia Seeds – Honey

Soak the prunes in hot water for 5-10 minutes.

Drain prunes and add to food processor with the other ingredients and blend until mixed thoroughly.

Using a cookie scoop, form into balls.

Health Benefits of Prunes Natural Laxative Effects: Prunes contain a high amount of dietary fiber, which adds bulk and softens stool, aiding in more comfortable bowel movements.

Nutrient-Rich Profile:  Prunes are high in potassium, vitamin K, and antioxidants, offering a range of health benefits beyond constipation relief.

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