Do you find it hard to declutter and clean these days? I am not an organized person but clutter gives me so much anxiety. These tips on this page will help you to get started decluttering your life and getting your sanity back.

There’s a reason why many people start on a decluttering project during a stressful or turbulent time in their lives or when they simply begin to feel overwhelmed by the chaos. Clearing out the clutter does more than just make your home look neater or more spacious.
Decluttering can actually be a life-transforming process in a multitude of ways. Here are some ways to start decluttering your life. This knowledge may just be the motivation you’ve long needed to start on your own path to minimalism.
A cluttered home can be a stressful home.

Get the decluttering checklist below and get control of your life!
You’ll Gain More Time
Think of all the time you waste searching for things in your messy environment. Consider how often you don’t feel like doing much or going anywhere because your cluttered surroundings have left you feeling depressed.
Investing the time to clean out and organize your living space will pay off in all the hours of your life you take back.

You’ll Be More Focused
A messy environment leads to a disorganized mind. Being surrounded by clutter makes it hard to concentrate and zaps your energy. You can’t focus with brain fog. An organized space can truly rejuvenate you.

You’ll Sleep Better If You Clean Stuff Out
By clearing the clutter, you are making more room for energy to flow freely about your bedroom. It’s true that human beings are made up of energy. Being surrounded by energy that can circulate without obstacles allows for deeper and more restful sleep.

You’ll Have Room for Personal Growth
By removing physical items from your home, you’ll be making more space to move around. Some creative reorganization or consolidation of your possessions could lead to having an entire room free to put to a new use. For example, you could start a hobby you’ve always wanted to pursue or set up the space as a bedroom to host a foster child like you’ve always talked of doing.

You’ll Make Some Extra Money
Surely, you have some possessions lying around that would be of value to someone else. Why not gather them up and consider listing them on Craigslist or eBay? The money you make from any sales can go toward your new hobby or guest room.
As you can see, there’s so much more to decluttering than you ever realized. This process can lead to countless positive outcomes if you just open your mind to the possibilities. Hopefully, you’re feeling more motivated to start creating your optimal space of Zen.
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How to Declutter / Jasper and Willow