We all want to have healthy kids, and that means sending them to school with food that is nutritious. Here are some ideas of healthy food for kids to bring with them to school that are easy to prepare and pack.
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50 Things to Get Rid of Now
Do you tend to hang on to things? Maybe your significant other does? I am definitely a cluttered person, but I do try to get rid of things when the time is right. Here is a list of 50 Things to Get Rid of Now so you can start decluttering your life.
How to Boost Energy by Decluttering
Do you feel tired and discouraged when you see clutter in your home? Often looking at a mess can cause feelings of despair. By learning these tips for decluttering your life and home you can boost energy levels during the day and sleep better at night.
Why I Don’t Celebrate July 4th
Why I Don’t Celebrate July 4th When I was a kid, July 4th was so much fun. We always celebrated my grandmother’s birthday that was that actual day with a strawberry and blueberry flag cake. She always wanted fruit on her cake so it was perfect. It’s not what I would have chosen for a birthday cake but she seemed to enjoy it. I think she was used to sharing…
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Ease Your Anxiety by Decluttering
Do you find you have a hard time sleeping because your house and/or your bedroom is a mess? Here are some tips to ease your anxiety and sleep better by decluttering your home.
Decluttering for Stress and Anxiety
If you’re struggling with anxiety, a cluttered environment might not necessarily be the cause, but it definitely doesn’t help. Here are some tips on decluttering for stress and anxiety. Getting rid of things you don’t need and organizing your space better could improve your quality of life tremendously. Here’s what you need to know about decluttering for stress and anxiety. When I walk in the door and I see the…
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Do You Have a Clutter Problem?
Do you have a clutter problem? Are you a cluttered person or know someone who is? Do you constantly have piles of things and papers and don’t know how to contain it? I never learned how to be neat. I just can’t ever seem to find time to go through things and they pile up, literally. Do you need to learn how to declutter your life?
How to Declutter and Organize Kids Toys
Are your kids’ toys out of control in your home? Do you need ideas on how to arrange them so they don’t look so messy? Here are some great tips on how to declutter and organize kids toys.
Easy Home Decluttering Tips
Do you find it difficult to keep your home tidy and organized? Here are some easy home decluttering tips to use to get your house in order and start decluttering your life. It can be so discouraging to get your home organized and then watch helplessly as the clutter makes its way back in. How does that happen? It’s basically a mindset – to get organized is one thing, but…
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Tips to Declutter Your Desk
Do you have a hard time getting your work done because you are distracted by the mess? Here are some tips to declutter your desk and take back your time. When was the last time you saw the top of your desk? Is it hard to focus when there is so much stuff all around? I have a hard time focusing when I have a mess around me – it…
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